HMRC Online Services

HMRC Tax refund services offered various online services to individuals and businesses. These online services allowed users to manage their taxes, benefits, and other related affairs conveniently through the internet.

How do I register for HMRC Tax Online?

Register for HMRC tax online, you needed to follow these steps:

Visit the HMRC website: Go to the official HMRC website ( or the updated government portal (

Sign in to Government Gateway: If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to create a Government Gateway account. Look for the “HMRC sign in” or “Register” button on the website’s homepage.

Select “Create an account”: When prompted, choose the option to create an account.

HMRC Tax refund

Choose account type: You will be asked whether you want a personal account or an organization account. Select the appropriate option based on your needs. For example, if you’re an individual taxpayer, choose “Personal Tax Account.”

Follow the registration process: You will need to provide personal details such as your name, email address, and National Insurance number. For an organization account, you’ll need details about the business, such as the company’s Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number.

Create a user ID and password: During the registration process, you’ll be prompted to choose a user ID and password for your account. Make sure to follow the security requirements provided.

Verify your identity: Depending on the service you’re registering for, you may need to verify your identity. This could involve receiving an activation code via email or text and entering it on the website.

Set up your account: Once your identity is verified, you’ll be able to set up and access your HMRC Online Services account.


What can I use HMRC Online Services for?

To access HMRC online and get the most up-to-date information, visit the official government gateway HMRC ( or the updated government portal ( There, you’ll find details about the current online services offered and how to access them.

Self-Assessment: The online service for individuals to file their self-assessment tax returns, view tax calculations, and manage their tax affairs.

Personal Tax Account: A secure online account for individuals to manage their tax affairs, check tax codes, update personal details, claim tax refunds and pay tax online.

VAT Online Services: For businesses registered for Value Added Tax (VAT), this service allowed them to submit VAT returns and manage their VAT records.

Corporation Tax Online Services: For businesses to file their corporation tax returns and manage their corporation tax accounts.

PAYE Online for Employers: A service for employers to manage their Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax and National Insurance contributions.

Child Benefit Online: A service for individuals to claim and manage their Child Benefit payments.

For the most up-to-date and detailed instructions on how to register for HMRC Online Services, visit the official HMRC website or the updated government portal and look for the registration or sign-up section. If you encounter any issues during the registration process, you can also contact HMRC directly for assistance.