United Kingdom VAT Services

VAT registration in UK
Non-resident companies maybe need gov.uk VAT registration in the UK without the form a local company. This is call as non-resident VAT trading. We can provide all of the necessary assistance to complete the VAT registration by using government gateway account. We can also advise you with regard to accurately and supporting documentation such as copy invoices & contracts. You may need to submit VAT register online to the HMRC with your VAT registration form.
UK VAT services
FZCO Accountants is specialised in UK VAT registration and filing for non-UK located businesses. It is determine by your business trade. It is not necessarily the country where your business resides. You may require to VAT registration. If your company goods storage in the United Kingdom, or trade internationally over the internet.
We can help you for HMRC VAT registration. We can assist with the preparation and submission of your VAT returns. If you are a UK located business and you travel to another European Union member country on business. You may entitle to recover VAT amount on some of your expenditure. Each European country has different rules about which expenses are recoverable. The rules can be complex.
We can assist you to assess any VAT refund. We can also compile and submit these claims documents in the relevant tax authority.
What documents required for VAT registration in UK?
VAT UK registration process will need number of documents:
- VAT certificate in your home country,
- Certificate of incorporation or Excerpt of the trade Register with all details about the company´s incorporation in its home country,
- Articles of Association issued as part of the incorporation process in its home country,
- Proof of taxable transactions,
- Power of Attorney
Exemption from registration
A taxable person whose turnover is wholly or primarily zero-rated may request exemption from registration.
Voluntary registration
A business may voluntarily VAT registration if its taxable turnover is below the VAT registration threshold. A business may also voluntarily VAT registration in advance of making taxable supplies. In this case, the business needs to demonstrate to the UK VAT authorities. It has the business intention to make taxable supplies.
VAT return
VAT returns are generally submitted quarterly. Quarters VAT return can stagger into three cycles to ease the HMRC VAT authorities’ administration. The following are the cycles:
- March, June, September and December
- February, May, August and November
- January, April, July and October
Each taxable person is notify at the time of registration of the return cycle it must use. In this case you can see by HMRC VAT login. However, the UK VAT authorities will consider a request to use VAT return periods that correspond with a taxable person’s financial year. In addition, a taxable person whose accounting dates are not based on calendar months. It may request permission to adopt nonstandard tax periods.
Taxable persons that receive regular repayments of VAT refund. It may request permission to submit monthly returns to improve cash flow.
VAT payment
VAT returns must submit by the last day of the month following the end of the return period. HMRC VAT payment is also due by this date. Most of the cases, taxable persons has submit their VAT returns by HMRC login. Businesses will have an additional seven calendar days after the normal due date. Which to file their returns and make payment at same date.
VAT returns must complete in pounds sterling but return liabilities may paid in pounds sterling or euros.
A taxable person that ceases to be eligible for VAT registration must deregister. A taxable person may also request deregistration if its taxable turnover drops below the deregistration threshold (GBP81,000, effective from 1 April 2016) or if its taxable turnover is wholly or primarily zero-rated. However, deregistration is not compulsory in these circumstances.
Joint and several liability – online marketplaces
Joint and several liability provisions relating to online marketplaces have been introduced. Under these provisions, where an overseas trader who operates through an online marketplace is liable to be registered and account for UK VAT, and they fail to do so, HMRC now has powers in place to hold the online marketplace jointly and severally liable for any UK VAT due.